Thursday, September 29, 2011

hear me out.

so, remember this post?

it makes me laugh, now that read over it.

well, to sum it up, i have had a total change in perspective.

why? ...that's another story. ( to be told )

i have decided to focus on soccer/basketball (try outs soon!) and also i want to focus on strengthening my testimony. i have decided that these, my best girlfriends, and my family are more important and i am devoting my time to them. no need for boys and their drama. of course i can still flirt with them, i mean who doesn't, i am just not trying to deal with a relationship yet.
make sure that those of you who are in a relationship... i am not against you or anyone, i think its cute.
its just not for me.

my friends are where it is at.
laughing until it hurts and you beg them to stop. telling secrets. staying up late. loving every moment. what would i do without them?
new best friends? i can't get enough.

my mom is so incredibly sweet to me. and sometimes i don't deserve it.
she stood in line for 40 minutes just to get me my first pair of toms. (which, by the way, she doest think are the cutest) she is amazing. she is my role model in so many ways. i love her. she loves me. i hope to be just like her.

soccer? pretty much the most fun i have ever had. through the frustration, hard times, and successes, i find my sisters. my sisters who i see every single day. i see them more then i see my family these days.

basketball? try outs are coming up. and i want to make the team. i found out that half the 9th grade team from last is not trying out. and it makes me sad. i love those girls. but i hope to make plenty of new friends.

my testimony. it could definitely use some strengthening. i want to get my patriartical blessing, but i don't feel prepared enough. I'm talking reading my scriptures, saying my prayers, and thinking of everyone as a child of God. ( and you know i mean business, because i teared up just typing that)

i have been rambling. but this is my life. and i can for sure use support. love you. thanks for listening.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

the post that helped in so many ways.

"i've realized, people change. and things change, and sometimes you don't have as much control over situations as you would like to. but that's what happens in life. you've just gotta deal with it. because if your always upset and wishing you could change how people act, you will be unhappy. you'll start noticing the bad in others, and looking for their insecurities more than their positive qualities. i know, were all human, and we judge others like crazy. but we need to accept how people act, and they act that way because it's how they are. you can't change if someone is shy or completely crazy. it's who they are. and if someone acts crazy or shy in front of you, it means they trust you, because they are just being themselves. i've been through this; going from best friends to best strangers. honestly not knowing that girl anymore, like i used to. it's crazy how things change, but stuff happens. people change and things change. and that's how life works, so instead of complaining, im going to deal with it. because that's what im supposed to do. live with what cards im dealt, and play them well."

Monday, September 26, 2011

you live for.

the moment
when you are drenched in sweat,
not willing to give up.

the moment
when your heart is racing,
your palms are sweating,
and there are butterflies in your stomach,
just beacuse you are with him.

the moment
when you realize that you couldn't live without your friends.

the moment
when you can't wait,
for new experiences.

the moments you live for.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Birds of a Feather.

Holy Cow Boutique.

Flower clips.

Rose rings.

Colorful spandex.

Feather earrings.


Cute shoes.

Amazing food.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

write me a love story.

he is so kind to you.
you two are so cute together.

he holds your hand.
writes you the cutest texts.
will ditch hanging out with the guys just to see you.

i love hearing the cute stories. i really do. i am so happy for you.
but, why cant that happen to me?? i want someone like that.

i want someone...some boy to hold my hand.
to write me cute texts.
to hug me and make me feel like to most special girl.

sure i have crushes... sure i dream of the things that would make me smile.

seems like everyone around me has found a high school fling.

why not me?

my best friends tell me all their cute stories,
i am the third awkward wheel all the time.
i want to be the one telling the stories.
i want to be the one that has someone to make me nervous and scared...but the happiest at the same time.

maybe things will change once i am 16... less than 4 months left.

maybe i am just a teenage girl that obviously has nothing else more important in her life.

maybe i should stop listening to love songs that make me cry. or reading/watching chick flicks.

someone please... write me a love story.

Monday, September 19, 2011

i dont like this feeling

wore a sweatshirt today.
didnt care about my hair.
couldn't focas in class because it hurt.
sat alone.

cramping up to the point where you just have to bend over.
crying becuase you wish it would just stop.
not caring to talk to anyone.
missing soccer practice... which takes alot.
dentist appointment? yeah, missed it becuase the smell alone makes me nauseous.

im sick.
and i hate it.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

My Hero.

She ran a marathon.

trained for about 6 months.

you gotta love her. my mom.

Happy Birthday Uncle Mark.

Friday, September 16, 2011

ups and downs.

i feel like i can write so much, about so many things.. but have no idea how to say it.
i want to tell you all that has happened lately....
the drama of high school,
the unity of our team,
the boys and the boys,
the laughing until you cry,
mixed emotions about everything,
the inside jokes,
the pet peeves that continue to haunt me,
why i cry,
the secrets i have to keep,
and the friends that i couldn't live without.

but, to be honest, i am not creative enough to make my life sound interesting. so you can use your imagination and think of me....a sophomore who is trying to handle the ups and downs of this teenage dream.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

my life is complete.

so ... what has me so excited?

i got a new camera.

enough said.

my old one. may it rest in peace.

because now i have an amazingly perfect new one.

i cant wait.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

just maybe

i was doodling one evening and drew up this... new blog title? just maybe....

2 minutes away.

temples are great.
every week. doing baptisms.
meeting kind old guys who can talk to you forever.

dont forget about the blessings of temples.
dont forget that some people have to travel for days just to see one.
and we have lots just minutes/hours away.
take advantage of it. ans dont loose sight of temples.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

40 new additions to my family.

because i spend more time with them then with my family.
because we have team dinners.
we hang out... and have the best of times. we have sleepovers.
we laugh.  uncontrollably.
we motivate.
we talk.   for hours.
we love.

we see the worst and the best of each other.
we know each other as players, friends, and sisters.

(since i have been feeling a little picture deprived)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

ortho. don. tist.

i usually dont mind spending my time in a cushioned chair.
while people touch my teeth, mess with my mouth, block my view,
and ask me questions while their hands are in my mouth.
so, today i wasnt to adverse to the idea of going to the orthodontist.
it meant i was one more step to getting my braces off.

but, today, they were busy as bees.
and my 15 minute appointment turned into a an 1 1/2 hour wait. which let me look through about 3 or 4 People magazines. and also let me be late to soccer practice.

luckily my coaches were logical and didnt take away my starting position.

but, the trip to the ortho. just totally ruined my day.

once we were finally done, i took 2 cookies...because i thought i deserved it

Monday, September 5, 2011

labor day weekend thoughts.

"gee, i haven't seen these people in forever."

"paige. my best friend. its ok to sit for hours on the tramp talking about one subject."

"babysit? for 6 hours? ...hey i will get money."

"shoot. i need to renew my temple recomend. should have thought of that before i made plans to go to the temple."

"all are alike in the eyes of god."

"who ate all my cookies? i just slaved over them for more than 2 hours and they were gone in less than 2 minutes! better make some more! "

"gluten free cake....mmm."

"lets hang out.. all the time!"

"i wish he would hold my hand!"

"eternal marriage..on my bucket list!"

"this was good... this was great."

"more soccer? allrighty then."

"my cousins are the cutest. especially when they fall asleep on your lap during sacrement meeting."

"what to do?"

"should we go to a movie?"

"be careful. your mom probably wont want you doing that."

"are they all p.m.s.-ing?

"oops... sorry"

"how long can you possibly be on facebook?"

"I think i can live without kissing the cardboard cut out of Justin Bieber. thanks for offering though."

"let me be creative."

"good grief."

Friday, September 2, 2011

we are winners.

" Are you afraid to push yourself because you know it will hurt? "

today. pushing ourselves. really pushing ourselves. to the point where emotion kicks in.
setting goals. and going beyond them. and crying because you didnt know you could work that hard.
creating a new bond, a stronger bond between teammates. sisters.
being tough. so tough that we puke. its true.

we are going to take state. we are going to take state. we are going to take state.

its all in your head. you can do this. you can sprint like none other.
nothing else in the world mattered today. no school. no boys. just soccer. just achieving anything.

this girl gave an 11 minute plank. and was told that even pro. athletes dont go that far.
my partner and I, held a partner squat for 20 minutes. never thought squating would make me drip sweat.
mentally tough. thats what we were today. thats what we will be from now on. we are going to take state.
                                                                                                                    dont be afraid to be the best.