Tuesday, August 16, 2011

not so distant future.

while most of us are worrying about the next school year, i have been thinking about after high school.



getting engaged.


having a family.

and all that follows.

what has brought this unnecessary worrying?  you ask.
my dearest cousin, Stephanie, who is 18, has recently agreed to get married to a RM. i am so incredibly happy and super excited.
and then there is my aunt, Ashley, she is pregnant with her first.

both of these ladies are less then 5 years older then me. which means most likely in about 5ish years, that could be me.


i am just starting my sophomore year. and have not started dating yet.
so, why am i so frazzled by all of this?
i don't know... but lets face it, everyone thinks about their future right?


  1. what is your aunt stephanie's last name?
    I think I read her blog.
    ha. cool.(:

  2. umm stephanie carlson?
