Thursday, June 16, 2011

Extreme Sports: People Watching

For those of you who people watch for fun. or don't mean to, but do.
Seven Peaks is the place to go.
you see many different people.

cute couples. (the few)
awkward couples. (quite a bit more)
and then the couples that should just... STOP! (the many)

then you see the families and adorable little kids.
or the group of teenagers, spending all day in the sun.
and every once in awhile you will get a loner...and you cant help but to wonder why in the world they would come to Seven Peaks alone.

the girls (or guys) who just come to tan.
The girls who need to tan. or just be outside more often.
And the poor guy who is burnt.

Trunks. Bikinis.( not recomended)Tankinis. One piece. And then the awkward swimsuits, where you can't tell what's goin' on!

It's not like we purposely people watch. But get a group of 15 year-old girls and its bound to happen.

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