Wednesday, November 30, 2011

so. this is christmas.

it might be a little early to post about this but i couldnt contain it.
as my family and i were setting up christmas decorations and listening to holiday music, i decided that i am so incredibly excited for christmas this year. and it has finally hit me that it is only a few weeks away. i hope most of you feel the same way. i love driving the road home at night and seeing christmas lights lit and hung, it makes me smile. they are just pretty. no denying it. snow? i am usually adverse to the idea, but no one can say that they dont want a white christmas. i love a first snow, where it is beautiful. kids sled. teens ski and snowboard. and then you come insde and enjoy some warm hot chocolate. now what can be better than that?  oh yeah, giving gifts. dont get me wrong recieving gifts is great to but, there is that special feeling that you get when you see someone open a present that has not left your mind since you got it for them. and giving gifts for charity is also amazing. and of course, our savior, was born.

 so hopefully, you will all be filled with christmas cheer, i know i am.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

it must mean i am next.

my cousin got married. so cute. i cant wait until i do.
reception was gorgeous. my aunt is amazing.
pictures? perfect with my other aunt as a photographer.

the beautiful bride threw the bouquet at the end of the night.

and i caught it.

one of the most exciting nights of my life.

Friday, November 18, 2011

saved my life.

tired of the old braid? even the fishtail? try this!!

my hair does not hold a curl. the only way it stays is if i sleep in curlers.
but i saw this video and it has changed my life! okay sounds cheesy, but true.
watch it.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

just so you know.

because, sometimes no one else listens.

it is fun to design and re-design again and again.

blog? journal? same thing. pretty much.

i enjoy typing.

of course i want y'all to know about my problems in life.

and i read about all of yours. but find it helpful.

i have always had a vision of me passing down my URL address
and having my daughter read my entire blog.  too wierd?

what else do i have to do.

i dont know how to say somethings. so i vent here.

i love reading about other girl's lifes.

i find it entertaining.

and simply. i love it.

i would now like to ask shaylee, brit, alexis, and olivia to do the same. and tell us all why they blog.

Monday, November 14, 2011

pleezz no mo-wa!

i just spent the last half an hour tickling my sister.
yes, i did say tickle.
the toture that makes you smile.

you have got to love family.
never take it for granted.

live with them. laugh with them. love them.

Friday, November 11, 2011

eleven eleven eleven eleven eleven.

i did in fact make a wish. i hope it comes true.

free drinks at hearts. thats where i went for lunch.

best friends? couldn't live without them.

good luck. to whatever your plans are.

i am going to wish again tonight. no worrys.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

need some change?

i am behind in school. i should really be homework right now. precal? someone pleease teach me how to do it. biggest procrastinator in the world. that's me.
that needs to change.

boys? what boys? of course, every girl fantasizes about a boyfriend. and for me, fantasizing is pretty much all that ever comes of it. i try to make it work, i want it to work, it almost does, but then doesn't.
hopefully that will change.

less than two months. until what? you ask.
my 16th birthday. driver's license. braces off. and dating. job=money. need i say more?
those are some big changes.

should i color my hair for the first time?
a possible change.

basketball conditioning. new and slightly not as good seminary class. driving. driving. driving.
the best friend i have had since 5th grade no longer talks to me. high school.
we are all growing up. and doing new things.
change is good.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

personal best.

i want to be better at basketball.

i want to be better at soccer.

so what am i going to do?

i am going to work on my free time. i am going to become my personal best.

now, dont think that this will only last about a week. though it might. i am really going to work hard.

so then when i am older i will be the one giving motavational speeches.

i will be better.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

here i come.

whats on my mind right now?


i made the team.

let the memory making begin.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

actually an english assignment... but i like it!

Cruel as it is, we somehow grow up.

            Sometimes, puberty is cruel.

            That is ultimately the tribulation that every single person must go through.  As teenage girls weep, families scream in argument, and voices change for the better.
            Sometimes the zits come and will not stop. Sometimes the lucky few will have perfect skin and make everyone else jealous. Sometimes hormones set in and smack the relationships like a fist. Sometimes friends are all that matter. And sometimes, a friendship is destroyed and splits itself in two.

            Sometimes puberty is cruel.

            And, always, when it is, we do the same thing.  We deal with it. We weep and mourn, we recover, and wash our faces with “guaranteed” results. And we go to school 5 days a week. This is the price of growing up. And, arguably, the most dramatic part of our lives.
            Sometimes, puberty is cruel, and you have no choice but to accept that as part of the bargain called life. And when it is your turn to deal with it, you do.
            Just know, it’s not always going to be your turn.
            At times, it seems as if mother nature herself is slaughtering any chance we have to have a good day. 

            Sometimes, puberty is cruel.

            But what else are you going to do?  As your parents put it, deal with it. Even less have we the ability the questions that burn the moment: Why can’t I be as pretty as her? What the heck is going on with my body? And What do I do to get rid of these disgusting pimples?
            We are hamstrung by social statuses, so we can only do what we always do, only hang out with friends and get through high school day by day. And watch teenagers change and immaturely grow mature.
            Do your homework. Cry, maybe a little. Brush your teeth. Smile. And deal with it. Show the world once again a stubborn insistence on growing up, despite all the cruelties of puberty.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

bedhead bun.

we were all wearing them. due to the fact that we woke up and hour early to go to a morningside.

you know the type.
slightly frizzy.
on top or to the side of our head.
super cute.

yeah. its the bedhead bun. i encourage you to try it.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

11-1-11..the joys it brought.

woke up with enough time to shower and be ready in a decent amount of time.
(despite the fact that i was up until about 12:30 since i was celebrating halloween)

it was a b-day.
i perfer b-days to a-days.
just becuase i have seminary.
with the best class/teacher in the world.

range was particually better today.
i wasnt quite as nervous.
we had a better teacher.
.....and i dominated on the drills.


sort through clothes?
been there..

good day?

had to blog about it?
of course..always.