it makes me laugh, now that read over it.
well, to sum it up, i have had a total change in perspective.
why? ...that's another story. ( to be told )
i have decided to focus on soccer/basketball (try outs soon!) and also i want to focus on strengthening my testimony. i have decided that these, my best girlfriends, and my family are more important and i am devoting my time to them. no need for boys and their drama. of course i can still flirt with them, i mean who doesn't, i am just not trying to deal with a relationship yet.
make sure that those of you who are in a relationship... i am not against you or anyone, i think its cute.
its just not for me.
my friends are where it is at.
laughing until it hurts and you beg them to stop. telling secrets. staying up late. loving every moment. what would i do without them?
new best friends? i can't get enough.
my mom is so incredibly sweet to me. and sometimes i don't deserve it.
she stood in line for 40 minutes just to get me my first pair of toms. (which, by the way, she doest think are the cutest) she is amazing. she is my role model in so many ways. i love her. she loves me. i hope to be just like her.
soccer? pretty much the most fun i have ever had. through the frustration, hard times, and successes, i find my sisters. my sisters who i see every single day. i see them more then i see my family these days.
basketball? try outs are coming up. and i want to make the team. i found out that half the 9th grade team from last is not trying out. and it makes me sad. i love those girls. but i hope to make plenty of new friends.
my testimony. it could definitely use some strengthening. i want to get my patriartical blessing, but i don't feel prepared enough. I'm talking reading my scriptures, saying my prayers, and thinking of everyone as a child of God. ( and you know i mean business, because i teared up just typing that)
i have been rambling. but this is my life. and i can for sure use support. love you. thanks for listening.